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文/ Tracy Schorn

丹尼斯·阿切尔 美国民主党在全美50个州和80多个国家都有成员.C. 酒吧正在开始一个常规功能来介绍组成我们社区的人. 阅读你的同龄人,他们的生活,他们在世界各地的工作.

丹尼斯·W. Archer, chairman emeritus of Dickinson Wright PLLC in Detroit, Michigan, has been a member of the D.C. 1972年成为靠谱的滚球平台. 1994年至2001年,他担任了两届底特律市长, 1986年到1990年, 他是密歇根州最高法院的助理法官.

你一直是民主党的一员.C. 从1972年开始当靠谱的滚球平台,所以你是创始成员之一. 作为密歇根州的终身居民,你还记得你为什么加入D.C. 酒吧?

我一直对你的D印象深刻.C. 酒吧领导,警官,靠谱的滚球平台,还有你的员工. 1970年6月11日,我开始从事法律工作. 在我看来,如果有机会与优秀的靠谱的滚球平台互动, 这将是一个好处,我将学到很多东西——我已经做到了.

I’ve worked with so many lawyers in the American 酒吧 Association and the National 酒吧 Association who have been D.C. 酒吧里的成员. 工作人员非常慷慨地帮助那些办公室不在D的人.C.

你是第一位非洲裔美国靠谱的滚球平台协会主席(2003-2004), 去年夏天你获得了协会的最高荣誉, 美国靠谱的滚球平台协会奖章, 特别杰出的服务. 特别值得注意的是你指导新靠谱的滚球平台的工作. 你对那些刚进入这个行业的人有什么建议?

有两位靠谱的滚球平台影响了我的生活和我的法律实践. 第一个是我在底特律法学院的法学教授唐纳德·坎贝尔. 毕业前, he pulled me aside and told me that his office at Ford Motor Company’s general counsel’s office wanted any lawyer who met their qualifications. 在坎贝尔教授的推荐下,我整个夏天都在他们的办公室工作.

He also told me he’d observed that a number of black graduates were active in the Wolverine 酒吧 Association, 我们当地的酒吧主要是非裔美国人. 坎贝尔教授鼓励我加入靠谱的滚球平台协会——底特律靠谱的滚球平台协会, 密歇根州靠谱的滚球平台协会, 以及美国靠谱的滚球平台协会, 我做到了.

After I graduated and started in a law firm, the second best advice I got was from Samuel C. 他是底特律贝尔&加德纳靠谱的滚球平台事务所的靠谱的滚球平台合伙人. 萨姆建议说:一定要每天回电话, 即使是对一个唠叨的客户, because that person could refer you the biggest case you may ever receive in your life.

When your client comes in, get up out of your chair and bring your client back to your office. 这样,你让客户知道他们有多重要. 一定要保持桌子干净. You want your client to feel like they are the most important person you are meeting that day.

他说,如果你做这些事情,你会赢得很好的声誉. 另外,买医疗事故保险,收取合理的费用. And put your business relationship in writing—tell your clients this is what I intend to do and this is what you can expect. 你的客户会得到很好的代理,并且会感到很舒服.

至于我的指导, 我一直试着去见那些对法学院感兴趣的人, 或者只是去上大学. 当我在教堂或学校演讲时, 有时人们会问我能不能见见他们的儿子或女儿. 或者有孩子说:“我想当靠谱的滚球平台. 我能和你谈谈吗?我说:“可以——如果你把父母带来的话。.” Because I want the parents to hear what the requirements are—the need for good grades in high school and undergraduate school. I tell them how important it is to study really hard in law school and to earn the best grades possible.

我今天和年轻靠谱的滚球平台们分享的是数字. 大多数执业靠谱的滚球平台都是单独执业的, and the majority of lawyers who work in law firms are [in] small firms with 8 to 10 lawyers. A bar association is one of the best opportunities for young lawyers to learn, develop, and grow. I encourage them to join their local bar association and get involved with other young lawyers, 加入一个委员会或分部.

如果你要单飞, you want to interact with lawyers who’ve been practicing a long time and get their advice. 你可以通过靠谱的滚球平台协会来实现. 开始接触其他执业领域的靠谱的滚球平台, 因为你永远不知道什么时候需要转介. You want to refer your clients to a person you are comfortable with and who you believe is ethical and hard working. 你通过你的靠谱的滚球平台协会建立这些联系. 我相信靠谱的滚球平台协会的工作.

你很成功地从法律界转行从政. 你对那些想从政的靠谱的滚球平台有什么建议?

由于我岳父的缘故,我参与了政治. I’d just gotten married and we were playing golf and my father-in-law told me I should talk to this lawyer he was in the army with during World War II, 罗伯特Millender. Millender was a partner in Michigan’s largest integrated law firm and was very well respected. 1969年,米勒德为理查德·奥斯汀竞选, 底特律市市长候选人. I wanted to show Millender that I could be a hard-working campaigner so that he might also conclude that I’d be a hard-working lawyer, 太.

奥斯汀输了,但我和鲍勃·米勒德关系密切. We worked together on Austin’s 1970 successful campaign for [Michigan] secretary of state. 1973年,米勒德成功地帮助科尔曼·杨竞选底特律市长. 四年后的1977年, Millender was the campaign director and asked me to be the campaign manager for Mayor Coleman Young’s reelection.

For the longest time now people have stopped by my office and expressed their desire to run for an office. 我会倾听,然后分享我的经验. If you want to be elected, you’ve got to demonstrate to the people who vote that you are deserving...你关心你想代表的人...that you’re not just someone who shows up and says, “I want to be a judge, will you support me?”

Work with your party and with the people who are passing out campaign literature door to door. 这样人们才会开始了解你,尊重你.

如果你是靠谱的滚球平台,你应该参与公益工作. There’s an old saying, “If you cast your bread upon the waters, it will come back to you.“在你想要某样东西之前,你必须先付出.

参与并帮助他人. 参加筹款活动,买张票帮助其他候选人. 与此同时,你也会学到东西, 你会听那些人的, 你会了解你想要服务的社区.

采纳这一建议的人通常都是成功的. 那些不这样做的人很少会成功.

你如何看待底特律的经济复苏? 奢侈手表制造商Shinola, Quicken Loans,别克的“底特律制造”广告,潮人. 作为底特律前两届市长, 你觉得自己有责任播下复出的种子吗?

底特律已经发生了巨大的变化. 我于1994年1月开始服役. The 1990 census had Detroit with the highest percentage of people living below poverty—32.2%. 如果算上儿童,是46.6%的人生活在贫困线以下. 我知道底特律人需要工作.

在我宣布参选之前, I spent about a year developing solutions to the problems we were facing in nine critical areas. I reached out and got help from a number of outstanding professors at the University of Michigan. 我们有来自其他城市的专家, 来自底特律和该地区的社区领袖谈论不同的倡议. 我们考察了其他城市以及它们是如何面对挑战的.

在我当选之后, 我们能够, 在当时的总统比尔·克林顿及其政府的帮助下, 从他们强大的城市外展中获得帮助, such as with empowerment zones and the COPS [Community Oriented Policing Services] program. I also had a good working relationship with Michigan governor John Engler who came up with renaissance zones and SmartZones. Our administration had a very good relationship with the business community and companies like General Motors and Compuware who moved into downtown Detroit. The neighborhood communities and the foundation communities were all united to help the city of Detroit to grow and thrive.

在我的政府中有一个伟大的团队,其他人也愿意提供帮助, 谁比我聪明. 在我两届任期结束时,我们有了20美元.为底特律带来20亿美元的新投资和数千个新工作岗位. 我是破产前最后一位预算平衡的市长, 未雨绸缪基金, 在我任职的八年里,每年都有预算盈余.

在我任职的八年里,警察的养老基金, 火, 和将军都被过度资助了数百万美元. 我们建了两个新体育馆, one for the Detroit Tigers (Comerica Park) and one for the Detroit Lions (Ford Field). We also had the benefit of a statewide vote in favor of three privately owned casinos in Detroit.

[编者按:在阿彻市长任期结束后, subsequent administrations struggled to stay on economic footing and the city filed for bankruptcy in 2013.]

商界从未对底特律置之不理. 他们总是继续支持我. 甚至在底特律从破产中走出来之前,这座城市就已经明显处于上升趋势.

年轻人开始在这座城市投资. 年轻人开始回来了. Now if you were to come to downtown Detroit and you want to lease space for your car, 您将被告知没有可用的空间. 在底特律市中心,你可以租、租或买公寓、阁楼或房子. 如今,底特律市中心的情况也是如此. The great thing is the new housing built to accommodate those who want to rent, lease, or buy. There are all kinds of new restaurants and businesses that have opened since Detroit has emerged from bankruptcy.

2001年,你启动了丹尼斯. Archer Scholarship Fund and have since given over a million dollars away to Detroit or Cassopolis high school graduates going to either Wayne State University or Western Michigan University. 你能告诉我们更多关于这个奖学金的情况吗?

它的开始是为了帮助那些至少有2分的学生.平均5分,每周至少工作20小时才能维持生计. 我想给他们最多5美元,所以也许他们可以辞掉工作, 或者至少为了取得更好的成绩和毕业而减少工作量.

阿彻学者们非常成功. I also have a small scholarship at Lawrence Tech for students who need money for books and other important immediate needs.


No. 当你找到你喜欢的东西时,你的生活中没有一天是工作的.

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