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Approximately 50 lawyers, judges, law professors, and technology experts gathered at the D.C. 9月16日,酒吧总部举办第二届年度人工智能峰会, exploring how the legal profession can maximize use of AI technology while recognizing the ethical issues surrounding it.

D主持.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会主席肖恩·斯奈德, the summit began with a demonstration of the use of AI legal workflow and research platform Vincent AI by Ed Walters, vLex的首席战略官和Fastcase的联合创始人.

在他的演讲中, 沃尔特斯对文森特·AI提出了一个假设性的问题, a product of vLex: “Can the defendant be prosecuted for a felony of murder when the victim was killed as an accomplice during the course of a robbery?作为回应, Vincent AI produced a list of summarized answers with hyperlinks to actual case documents as well as direct quotes from the cases.

Walters also demonstrated the retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) process to optimize output and enhance accuracy and reliability. The RAG process breaks down the research task into two parts: (1) retrieving the documents that are likely to help answer the question, and then (2) tasking the AI platform to answer the question using only those retrieved documents. With the RAG technique, the platform produces answers grounded in authoritative law, Walters said.

靠谱的滚球平台充分利用人工智能平台, 沃尔特斯说,他们应该是“聪明的消费者”。,,这意味着不完全信任人工智能. “The two most important answers for legal generative AI to be able to give are (1) I don’t know, (2)法律不是你所希望的那样. And if your AI tool can’t do those two things, I have a problem with using it,” he added.


But how should the legal profession go about training lawyers and law students on generative AI tools? One attendee said that with so much information coming out of the AI space, 法律专业人士想要快速, 互动, 按需培训. What they often receive, however, are long PowerPoint presentations and CLE programs on AI.

Three planks of generative AI training could be useful for lawyers: experimental learning, 按需培训, 以及涵盖生成人工智能的基础和监督的课程, 以及有关该技术的商业和法律信息.

The summit also addressed the technological gap between young practitioners and senior lawyers, 后者通常是新技术的后期采用者. Senior lawyers supervising young attorneys using generative AI tools need to understand the technology to properly guide them, 推荐一名与会者, adding that she would like to see more CLEs on emerging technology for senior lawyers.   

到目前为止,客户对靠谱的滚球平台使用生成式人工智能的看法不一, 可能是出于保密考虑, 数据安全, 和计费. Usage of generative AI technology is not necessarily going to reduce billing hours, 一位与会者指出. 相反,人工智能将导致那些可计费的时间被重新分配.

尽管这项技术存在缺陷, 法律界似乎开始拥抱人工智能了, 四分之三的靠谱的滚球平台计划在他们的工作中使用它, 根据威科2023年未来靠谱的滚球平台报告.


The AI峰会 also explored opportunities and obstacles associated with AI use in law schools. 专门研究技术的法学教授, 诉诸司法, and legal ethics issues mentioned the recent preview release of Open AI o1, 一系列新的人工智能模型. 花更多的时间去思考, 开放人工智能01可以解决数学和科学领域的复杂问题, 甚至挑战假设并完成 纽约时报 填字游戏.

测试OpenAI 01的法律推理和分析能力, 教授说 she used one of her evidence quizzes involving character and habits. The result: OpenAI o1 took approximately three minutes to answer the 10-question quiz, 通过引用给出正确答案.

从他们在法学院的第一年开始, 学生应该学习如何使用生成式人工智能工具, 发现他们的极限, 理解潜在的道德问题, 教授说. 然而, law schools should double down on traditional and fundamental legal skills such as research, 写作, 和分析, 她补充说.

Another law professor stressed the need for transparency with law students about what generative AI is, 如何在法学院使用它, 为什么存在关于人工智能使用的学生政策, 以及这些政策将如何引导他们走向事业成功.

While there is still no concrete consensus among law schools on how to integrate generative AI into the classroom, there is general agreement that students need to develop “lawyer intelligence” first before they can effectively use artificial intelligence.  

AI instruction and usage should be restricted during students’ first year in law school so they can better learn how to think like traditional lawyers, 教授说, warning that if students delve into generative AI for legal 写作 too early and without structure, 他们有可能学会过度依赖技术.

生成式人工智能被描述为一种自动预测工具, 类似于短信中使用的那个, that strives to produce consistently average outputs to please its users but often get things wrong. 在新手手中, 人工智能通常会产生低c或D级别的工作, 但是当被熟练的专业人士使用时, 它有不可思议的潜力, 教授说.

Snyder并没有看到学习生成式AI的终点. “这里有很多机会,斯奈德说, who has identified the future of the profession as one of his areas of focus during his term. “There’s a lot of good that it can do; there’s a lot that it can help the [legal] profession with.”

“But the question is, how do we make sure our [酒吧] members understand that. 这将是一个持续的讨论,”斯奈德补充说.





D.C. 司法提名委员会正邀请法官发表意见, 酒吧, and public regarding the qualifications of nine candidates for the pending vacancy on D.C. 由退休的安妮塔·乔西·赫林法官创建的高等法院.

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